Family therapy can be useful in any family situation that causes conflict, grief, or alienation. For example, therapy can help members of a family to improve troubled relationships, address specific issues such as mourning or financial problems, or confront the impact of an individual’s substance abuse or mental illness on the entire group. Families may pursue this therapy in coordination with a single member’s individual treatment. For example, someone impacted by trauma may have individual therapy, and join their families for group therapy to help their loved ones understand and support them.
As with any relationship, the bond among members of a family is strongest and healthiest when based on honesty, reciprocity, and respect. While a family might have a lot of love, it may lack the tools its members need to understand and care for one another. Fear of hurt feelings and reluctance to break silence around conflict and trauma can prevent families from communicating honestly about their feelings and reaching resolution.
The work of confronting difficult or complex topics can be much easier when guided by a therapist who can set boundaries, offer new perspectives, and encourage families to think differently about an individual or issue. The safety and confidentiality of the therapeutic space can allow families to vent their most difficult feelings without entering destructive arguments without closure. Over time, through a therapist’s intervention, a family can learn to communicate more effectively, listen more empathetically, and utilize better coping mechanisms to deal with challenging dynamics.