
Whitney Fricke

"Through awareness, compassion, and even celebration of our humanness, we have the opportunity to be more effectively equipped to navigate life in a meaningful way."

Why I became a therapist

Throughout my life, both personally and professionally, I have witnessed how the human experience - the changes, the mistakes, the pain, the messiness, the feeling of brokenness – can leave so many feeling depressed, stuck, anxious, hopeless and ruminating in a spiral of shame on these imperfections. Many have grown-up in and/or experienced environments that are not only quick to judge perceived short-comings and slap on hurtful labels, but also stigmatize the thought of bringing up any of these challenges. This forces many to feel like they must do all they can to mask any cracks and hide any potential perceived imperfections, which often can increase this feeling of loneliness and isolation by having to constantly hide the battle in their own mind. Having someone who is a non-judgemental, safe space to process life’s darkness with can often open up unexpected moments of hope. I became a therapist to inspire hope by helping others reclaim the power, beauty and authenticity in their human experience by having a safe space to rethink the way these “cracks” or “imperfections” are viewed. Instead of looking at brokenness as hopeless deficits that we must shamefully try to hide, I encourage those I work with to view them as “human moments” that provide opportunities for self-growth and awareness when approached with curiosity, acceptance and understanding.

Who I work with

I have experience working with a wide variety of backgrounds and ages (children, adolescents, adults of any age) and have provided counseling to individuals, couples and families. I am passionate about working with those who have experienced any form of trauma (C-PTSD, childhood, abuse, emotional, workplace, assault). I have worked heavily with survivors of domestic abuse. Creating a place of understanding and safety for the unique support needs of the military community (service members/veterans/military partners and families) is near to my heart. This includes supporting those experiencing military related PTSD, military sexual trauma (MST), moral injury, and transition challenges for any member of a military family. I also enjoy supporting clients in building meaningful and healthy relationships, whether that be within their couple, their family or in their own individual work. Another passion of mine is working with the neurodivergent population, especially in late diagnosed autistic adults, to support them in identifying and understanding their needs in a manner that honors their experiences while also allowing them to live in a way that is both safe and authentic. Other interests include working with those facing life transitions and changes, gaining understanding of self-identify and self-esteem, establishing healthy boundaries and self-care practices, navigating grief of any kind, exploring faith and spirituality and experiencing anxiety and/or depression. While these are some of my specialties and areas of interest, I am more than happy to work with anyone who feels like the safe space offered will best support their needs in therapy.

"I encourage those I work with to view them as 'human moments' that provide opportunities for self-growth and awareness when approached with curiosity, acceptance and understanding."

Working With Me

My approach to therapy is holistic, person-centered, trauma-informed and collaborative. I strive to meet each person I work with where they are at, viewing them as an individual with their own unique set of experiences that inform the way they interact with the world. I strive to understand each person as a whole, this includes the connection between the mind and the body. I am eclectic in my use of evidence-based practices in order to best tailor to the needs of each individual. The interventions that I use are informed by evidence-based practices that include Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Solution-Focused Therapy, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), Mindfulness and the Gottman Method. I prioritize creating a non-judgmental space, built on trust to allow clients to feel seen, heard and safe. I show up in a way that is authentic and genuine and hope this empowers clients to do the same and come as they are. I believe each person is the expert of their own story and let each client’s needs and goals drive the direction of therapy to ensure clients are working on items that are meaningful to them. I value the use of humor and creativity in the therapeutic process. With warmth, compassion and a genuine desire to see individuals live a life that aligns with their values and needs, it is my hope that the space I hold allows clients to have a therapeutic journey where, even in the midst of life challenges, vulnerability, hope and meaningful change can lead to a more fulfilling life.

My Qualifications and trainings

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