
Sielle Kearney

“I aim to facilitate healing by offering compassionate perspectives and attentive listening.”

Why I became a therapist

Language is a powerful tool in facilitating healing, and I believe that therapy is the perfect example of this. When language is combined with genuine warmth, authenticity, and therapeutic care, people can feel empowered, and wounds can begin to repair. I feel that providing a safe and welcoming space for people to help them uncover their strengths is the most rewarding part of being a therapist. Human connection truly is so powerful, and genuine curiosity and active listening can change a person’s entire perspective. I believe everyone has a story to tell, and this story deserves to be listened to! These stories help to shape our lives in many ways, and therapeutic language and perspective can help people live the story they choose. Mental health can have a huge impact on many facets of our lives, and therapy is a way to compassionately connect the dots. If challenges are the maladies of life, therapy is the antidote

Who I work with

I work with couples, families, individuals, and children. I have experience working with anxiety, depression, disordered eating, and life transition issues. I am also interested in working with clients who struggle with relational transitions, such as the transition to parenthood, premarital counseling, and divorce. I believe that every person is equipped with their own unique skill sets that can help them in and out of the therapy room. These skills are often buried in the harmful stories we tell ourselves, but these stories can be edited and rewritten. I wholeheartedly believe in providing culturally sensitive and competent care to each and every client.

“If challenges are the maladies of life, therapy is the antidote!”

Working With Me

I am passionate about creating an empathetic, nonjudgmental space where you can be fully yourself! I strive to cultivate a therapeutic bond based on trust and authenticity. I want therapy to be collaborative, because I truly believe you are the expert on your own life. Therapy sessions should be unique to you and your goals, and I want to ensure that you feel heard. I take a systemic approach that prioritizes the impacts that culture, power imbalances, and larger societal systems can have on your life, while also attending to your personal narratives. I aim to facilitate healing by offering compassionate perspectives and attentive listening.

My Qualifications and trainings

  • I received my Bachelor of Science from Northwestern University in Human Development and Psychological Services and a minor in Psychology. 
  • I received my masters degree in Marriage and Family Therapy from Adler University. 
  • Completed the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI)
  • I am a member of The American Association of Marriage and Family Therapists (AAMFT
  • Completed the Ackerman Training on Engaging Taboo Conversations in Couples
  • Completed Illinois Mandated Reporter Training (IMRT
  • Completed the American Psychological Association Telepsychology Best Practices 101 Training (APA)

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