
Emily Honeybone

“I believe therapy offers this essential space, and I encourage my clients to feel comfortable and confident in being their true selves, just as I strive to show up authentically for them.”

Why I became a therapist

I became a therapist because I was deeply inspired by the belief that even a small positive difference in someone's life can have a profound impact, just as my own therapist did for me! I’m fascinated by how relationships function and the ways people impact one another. Relationships are all around us and can be challenging to understand and navigate, and I am passionate about helping others with these complexities. Whether it’s through listening, laughter, or offering a new perspective, I’ll feel I have done my job if I can help someone feel even a little bit better. Life is hard, and I want to provide a space where my clients can feel safe, authentic, and comfortable expressing what’s truly on their minds. By doing this, life outside the therapy room can become less stressful, the overwhelming thoughts are quieted, and emotions are understood and honored.

Who I work with

My interest is in working with children, adolescents, families, individuals of all ages, and couples. My primary interest is in helping families navigate significant changes and transitions in their lives. I believe that everyone in a family is interconnected, and changes in one member’s life inevitably affect the whole unit. This includes everything from coping with a sudden diagnosis—whether physical, mental, chronic, acute, etc.—within the family unit, to dealing with divorce or uncoupling, to sibling relationships and any other challenges that may disrupt and impact the family. I am also interested in trauma-focused therapy, particularly in areas such as attachment trauma, intergenerational trauma, and mother-daughter multigenerational relationship trauma. Additionally, I have a strong interest in working with adults who are navigating life transitions, exploring identity issues, boundary setting, overcoming people-pleasing tendencies, and fostering a stronger mind-body connection.

“Clients are the experts of their own lives, and I am committed to meeting you where you are at and addressing your specific needs, collaboratively, during our time together.“

Working With Me

Clients are the experts of their own lives, and I am committed to meeting you where you are at and addressing your specific needs, collaboratively, during our time together. Many of us lack safe and supportive spaces to explore what is happening in our heads, bodies, and relationships. I believe therapy offers this essential space, and I encourage my clients to feel comfortable and confident in being their true selves, just as I strive to show up authentically for them. I use a systemic approach that emphasizes how culture, power imbalances, and broader societal systems influence your life, while also focusing on your personal experiences and stories.

My Qualifications and trainings

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